President Muhammadu Buhari has assured that the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) will defeat the Boko Haram insurgency by the end of this year.
Buhari gave this assurance yesterday in Cotonou, the capital of Benin Republic, at a gala lunch held in his honour by the President Boni Yayi.
President Buhari was on a one-day visit to Cotonou as the special guest of honour at the 55th Independence National Day of Benin Republic.
He commended Yayi for increasing the number of Benin troops to 800 for the Multinational Joint Task Force, describing it as a great sacrifice.
“And I assure you that we will defeat Boko Haram by the end of this year”, President Buhari told his host.
He said he was completely overwhelmed by the honour of inviting him for the independence anniversary and by bestowing the national honor of the Republic of Benin on him. The president noted that even when he was a military head of state, Nigeria had always learnt to live peacefully with neighbouring countries.
He said: “I am impressed by your concern and critical approaches by increasing your contributions to the multinational task force of the Lake Chad Commission. This is a great sacrifice on the part of the Benin Republic.
“Even in my first coming into office under a different arrangement, we have learnt to live in peace with our neighbors. Within the week I was sworn in, I went to Niger, Chad. I was supposed to go to Cameroon but I was summoned by the G7 leaders to brief them about the security situation in Nigeria concerning Boko Haram which declared allegiance to ISIS which gives it international dimension”.
Buhari noted that he was impressed by the display of personnel and equipment earlier yesterday at the military parade during the independence anniversary of Benin Republic, saying it convinced him about the country’s commitment to security.
Earlier, Yayi had pledged that Benin Republic would send about 800 troops to the Multinational Joint Task Force as part of its contributions to the fight against terrorism.
Yayi asked President Buhari not to think that he was alone in the fight against the Boko Haram insurgency, assuring him of his (Yayi’) government’s support.
Assuring that his country would collaborate with Nigeria in the fight against the Boko Haram insurgency, Yayi stated: “Your Excellency, I am by your side. You are not alone. We are ready to send about 800 men.”
Yayi described the Republic of Benin as the 37th state of Nigeria and Buhari as a man of integrity.
He also emphasised that President Buhari was genuinely concerned about the integration of the subregion.
The hosting president also stressed the need for the customs services of both countries to meet and discuss issues on economy.
He said: “You are a man of integrity. The integration of the subregion is your concern. Your coming here brings our two countries together. Our customs services should meet about economy. Benin is the 37th state of Nigeria.”


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Saya Ibu Nurhayati Sekeluarga Mengucapkan Banyak Terimah Kasih Kepada AKI BALAPATI Atas Bantuannya..
    Dulunya Saya Dengan Suami Saya Mati-Matian Mencari Uang Demi Membayar Hutang Dan Menyekolahkan Anak2 Kami..
    Suatu Hari Teman Saya Memberi Tahu Kepada Saya Dan Suami Saya Tentang Kaeahlian AKI BALAPATI Untuk Jalan Togel,Teman Saya Sudah 3X Di Bantu Oleh AKI BALAPATI Dan Alhamdulillah Angkanya Selalu Tembus..
    Akhirnya Teman Saya Memberi Nomor AKI BALAPATI Untuk Membantu Saya.. Tanpa Menunggu Lama Saya Langsung Menghubungi AKI BALAPATI Untuk Membantu Saya Untuk memberikan Angka Togel Yaitu 4D..
    Syukur Alhamdulillah Angka Yang AKI Berikan Benar-Benar Terbukti Tembus..
    Kini Impian Saya Selama Ini Telah Tercapai Dan Semua Hutang-Hutang Saya Kini Bisa Saya Lunaskan Serta Menyekolahkan Anak2 Kami. Ini Berkat Bantuan AKI BALAPATI..
    Bagi Saudara Yang Mengalami Kesulitan Masalah Hutang Dan Ekonomi Serta Membutuhkan Bantuan Tentang Angka Togel. Anda Bisa Meminta Bantuan Kepada AKI BALAPATI Dengan Menghubunginya Di Nomor;085-392-332-888. Terima Kasih AKI BALAPTI Atas semua yang anda berikan kepada saya…Angka Ritual Ghoib AKI Benar-benar Tembus 100%…mohon ma’af AKI BALAPTI ini pengalaman saya …waktu itu pernah saya meminta bantuan kepada seseorang yg mengaku pintar meramu angka toto…dan saya harus bayar untuk mendapatkan angkanya…sampai2 saya hutang sana ,hutang sini…tapi apa yg terjadi…angka yg saya terima tadi gak ada yang keluar…mampus dalam hati kecil saya..gmn saya harus bayar utang yang terlanjur menumpuk…hingga akhirnya saya di kasih info teman untuk mencoba menjadi Member di AKI BALAPATI Alhasil Angka Ritual Ghoib yang AKI kirim ternyata Jitu 100%..dan akhirnya terbayar sudah hutang2 saya….ini hanya sekedar pengalaman saya…untuk yang mau mencoba angka ghoib dari AKI BALAPATI tidak usah ragu-ragu…karena saya udah merasakannya…terima kasih AKI BALAPATI…Insya Allah Saya Bersama Keluarga Akan Berkunjung Kerumah Aki Untuk Melihat Aki meditasi Ritual/Meramal Angka Jitu
    Inilah Kisah Nyata Benar-Benar Terbukti Di Keluarga Kami.
    Ramalan AKI Memang Memiliki Ramalan GHOIB Yang Dijamin 100% Tembus..

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