Dino Melaye's Bombshell:Nigeria's Former Presidents Recieve N324m Yearly

“Read What HON. DINO MELAYE Posted:

 I read online the question a lady asked. The question is how can Buhari who earns over 300million naira yearly claim that he can not afford to pay 27million naira for the APC presidential form. I became interested and decided to investigate. I went to the ministry of Finance where I discovered that it is true that all former Presidents and Head of states actually get 23million naira monthly. But I found out that General Buhari actually wrote the minister of Finance to reject the 23million monthly pay. He said in his letter that he will only accept 10percent or that amount which is 2.3million and that is what he has been taking. This is just to clear the air. What a Nigerian! what class of integrity! God please make us men and women of integrity. Amin.”


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. I respect this man, Gen Buhari so much...no matter how much people try to pull him down. The man is just up there.

  2. So wat r u saying? What point r u driving to? This is baseless and stupid, hey show prove and even if he did its his choice, he requested for it and he got it. Choice: having power over ones own will. Buhari made dat choice and pls mr unhonorable shut up kk.

  3. I have told you nigerian I woint you know that, batter for us to vote for. Gen Buhari don't ever use reliogion,becouse he is solution, us

    1. This mustapha, pls read your comments before posting. Most times I don't understand what you are saying because it does not make meaning...sorry if u feel insulted.

  4. What a leader and a hero even if he did not win the up coming general election i see him as a true leader not these so called politicians that deceive people with their fake lies if not how many Nigerians that have this integrity and humility like him, they myth cheat him by rigging the election but they can not change the will of god and i pray that god should guide and protect him from the other evil politician because their is nothing god can't do if god say yes no one can say no... Nigerian will know what he stand for after he is no more

  5. If the information you posted is correct , why didn't Buhari reject the offer completely and tell Nigerians about it all these years?

  6. I have always described him as the only truth left in our politic. If you like it of not he is a man of unrivaled rectitude . Those using religion to castigate him know that he is not a fundamentalist and a highly detribalized individual . Anyone that love this country and interested in her emancipation , should vote for him. He personify the change that Nigerians has been yearning for.

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