Boko Haram Attack 5 Churches Near Chibok..Kill Worshippers

FIVE churches, including Cocin, EYN and Deeper Life in Kwada village, about 10 kilometres from Chibok town, Borno State, were attacked by gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram members, on Sunday, leaving scores of worshippers dead.

The attackers, according to report from locals in Chibok, targeted the time the people were in their churches for the Sunday worship. “They killed and burnt houses after attacking worshippers in five churches in Kwada and advanced to Kautikari, less than eight kilometres to Chibok town, killing people and burning houses and properties. 

 “As of now, those who could flee have fled the village into the bush and they are being pursued by the attackers,” Mallam Yahi said

It was gathered that the people living in Chibok town had also fled their homes, following the news of the attacks in Kwada and Kautikari.

A few weeks ago, there was panic in Chibok Local Government Area, following a letter purportedly written to the people of the community by the sect members, informing them of plans to attack the area again.

A top local government official in Chibok town, who did not want his name published, said “whenever Boko Haram tells you that they are coming, they will surely come. Our fears now is that we don’t know when and how they are going to attack, but our people are in great fear. We are calling for prayers as well as on government to provide adequate security in Chibok.”

There was no official detail yet from either the police or military authorities over the attack in the villages, as the incidents were said to be ongoing as of the time of filing this report.


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. Where are all the Northern leaders including Sultan of Sokoto? This is not a fight of just the federal Government but all of us. The main problem is the Northerner leaders.Some of them may not be part of the problem but " It is not easy to tell which Lizard that suffers from belly ache since all of them are lying prostrate"

      atas nama KI ARIB WIDODO anda butuh pasugihan adopsi tuyul hub segera di no 082-369-439-555

      assalamualaikum wr, wb.KI saya:PAK JOKO .dan SEKELUARGA mengucapkan banyak2
      terimakasih kepada KI ARIB WIDODO atas angka togel yang di
      berikan “4D” alhamdulillah ternyata itu benar2 jebol dan berkat
      bantuan KI ARIB WIDODO saya bisa melunasi semua hutang2 orang tua saya yang
      ada di BANK dan bukan hanya itu KI alhamdulillah sekarang saya
      sudah bisa bermodal sedikit untuk mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga saya
      sehari2. itu semua berkat bantuan KI ARIB WIDODO sekali lagi makasih banyak
      yah KI … yang ingin merubah nasib seperti saya hubungi KI ARIB WIDODO di
      nomor: (((_082-369-439-555_)))
      dijamin 100% jebol saya sudah buktikan…sendiri….
      Apakah anda termasuk dalam kategori di bawah ini !!!!
      1″Dikejar-kejar hutang
      2″Selaluh kalah dalam bermain togel
      3″Barang berharga anda udah habis terjual Buat judi togel
      4″Anda udah kemana-mana tapi tidak menghasilkan solusi yg tepat
      5″Udah banyak Dukun togel yang kamu tempati minta angka jitunya
      tapi tidak ada satupun yang berhasil..
      Solusi yang tepat jangan anda putus aza…KI ARIB WIDODO akan membantu
      anda semua dengan Angka ritwal/GHOIB:
      butuh angka togel 2D_3D_4D SGP / HKG / MALAYSIA / TOTO MAGNUM / dijamin 100% jebol
      Apabila ada waktu
      silahkan Hub: KI ARIB WIDODO DI NO: (((_082-369-439-555_)))
      angka GHOIB: singapur 2D/3D/4D/
      angka GHOIB: hongkong 2D/3D/4D/
      angka GHOIB; malaysia
      angka GHOIB; toto magnum 4D/5D/6D/
      angka GHOIB; laos

  2. Pengakuan tulus dari IBU NURMIA TKI Yang kerja di disingapore.
    Saya mau mengucapkan terima ksih yg tidak terhingga, serta penghargaan & rasa kagum yg setinggi-tingginya kepada AKI ALI, saya sudah kerja sebagai TKI selama 9 tahun disingapore,dengan gaji lebih kurang 2.5jt/bln,tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari,apalagi setiap bulan harus mengirim orang tua di majalengka, sudah lama saya mengetahui roomnya om ini, juga sudah lama mendengar nama besar AKI,tapi saya termasuk orang yangg tidak terlalu percaya dengan hal ghoib, jadi saya pikir ini pasti kerjaan orang iseng yang mau menipu.
    tetapi kemarin waktu pengeluaran , saya benar2 tidak percaya dan hampir pingsang,angka yg diberi AKI ALI ternyata tembus, awalnya saya coba2 menelpon, saya bilang saya TKI Yang kerja di singapore mau pulang tidak ada ongkos, terus beliau bantu kasih angka . mulanya saya tdk percaya,mana mungkin angka ini keluar, tapi dengan penuh pengharapan saya pasangin kali 100 lembar, sisa gaji bulan okt, ternyata berhasil….!!!
    dapat BLT 200jt, sekali lagi terima kasih banyak AKI ALI, saya sudah kapok kerja jadi TKI, rencana senin depan mau pulang aja ke PALEMBANG.buat AKI,saya tidak akan lupa bantuan dan budi baik AKI. Atau >> >>>KLIK DISINI<<
    yang ingin merubah nasib seperti saya silahkan hub AKI ALI di no. 082394334877Demikian kisah nyata dari saya tanpa rekayasa.MAKASIH OM ROOMNYA

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