10 Things You Don't Know About Amaka Igwe

Amaka And Hubby Charles Igwe
#1 My dad was Isaac Ene, from Obinagu-Udi in Enugu State. He was a civil engineer, someone who put the fear of God in everyone around him. He was very principled and taught us to strive for the best at all times.

#2 The fun times were when we would sneak into his study to enjoy his stories. One of the most interesting one was how cassava came into Igboland from Fernando Po.

#3 I was only 16 when he died in 1979 at the age of 56. That’s my regret. A lot of other people knew him better than we did.

#4 He was involved in nation-building and was one of those instrumental for the
creation of Enugu State, which they called Wawa State.

#5 played football earlier, not now...I was a little rascally as well.

#6 Acting is a serious work, it is not just a walk in the park. It is a lot of work which takes a lot for the artiste to internalise the
roles and replay back. It is not egwusi (soup) and pounded yam.

#7 I conceived Checkmate by watching Mirror in the Sun #LolaFani-Kayodeproduction I had written a script about an all conquering female hero like Queen Amina. I wrote it like a traditional stage play thing. When I saw Mirror in the Sun, I decided to make it a modern all conquering female hero story.

#8 When I was doing Checkmate she #Lola Fani-Kayode asked to see me one day and I was overwhelmed. Some people also asked her to produce a soap opera to antagonise and defeat Checkmate. She #Lola Fani-Kayode called me to let me know...

#9 A soap opera is a project which belongs to everyone in the project. It is not for that person who is only concerned about how much he or she is going to be paid. No,
soap operas don’t even pay any money. You won’t believe it, in Solitaire, no one asked me for the money. Now, the payments are soon to be made and we want to compute all the episodes they are and offset the bills.

#10 ...The Censors Board should be a watchdog out there to breathe down on the industry like an old headmaster. That’s not the fashion anywhere in the world. It is a classification board. You say children should not watch this, you don’t just have to put 18 years on it. You are expected to go to the theatres where these movies are exhibited to make sure that children don’t enter the theatre to watch it. Like in Egypt, for instance, when the Prince of the Nile by Steven Speilberg was done, Egyptian law said it should not come into Egypt because it has the story of Moses’ departure from Israel and portrayed Egypt in bad light. They didn’t allow it to be shown or sold in Egypt.


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria

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