Stella Oduah's Problems Worsen As EFCC Moves In

Despite the attempt by the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) to divert attention away from the N255 million spent procuring two armoured cars for the Minister of Aviation, Ms. Stella Oduah, her troubles refuse to go away as the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) may have decided to probe the deal.
Sources has it that the commission has started making preliminary investigations into the contract and could start probing the exorbitant purchase of the cars that was believed to have bypassed due process.
Since the story broke that the NCAA bought two BMW 760 LI armoured cars for the use of the minister, there has been a growing clamour for President Goodluck Jonathan to sack her if she fails to resign.
However, the NCAA Director-General, Dr. Fola Akinkuotu, denied that the cars were for the minister, saying that the agency bought them for operational purposes.
“The cars are operational vehicles used in the various operations of the NCAA transporting the minister and aviation related foreign dignitaries as part of its operations,” he had said at a news conference at the weekend in Abuja.
Besides the EFCC, which has launched a preliminary probe into the purchase of the two bulletproof cars for the minister, the House of Representatives has indicated its readiness to investigate the transaction as soon as it returns from Sallah break.
However, the Senate has not taken any decision yet on the controversial transaction.
Vice Chairman of Senate Committee on Aviation, Senator Babayo Gamawa, said yesterday that the issues needed to be put in proper perspectives before a decision could be taken on it.
According to him, the first step to take was to visit the Bureau for Public Procurement (BPP) as well as the audit department to find out if the purchase of the car actually followed due process and whether a proper audit was done before the delivery of the cars.
Gamawa, who represents Bauchi North Senatorial District in the Senate, noted that it was necessary to check if due process was really observed before the purchase.
He made the remarks bearing in mind that attention had not been concentrated on whether due process was observed at all for the purchase or not.
The senator, who declined to give an official reaction to the controversial deal, said it would not be right for him to comment on the issue when the upper chamber had not adopted a resolution on the matter.
The Senate has been on Sallah break in the last two weeks but will resume today.
Gamawa, who also said the Senate had not received any official correspondence on the issue, added that the chamber would not hastily react to any issue unless it has received documents authenticating the reality of such events.
He however did not rule out the possibility of the Senate having a motion and subsequent resolution on the matter this week, depending on the facts available to it.
He, nevertheless, disclosed that the urgent task before the Committee on Aviation now was the investigation of the crash of an aircraft belonging to Associated Airlines in Lagos on October 3.
The plane was conveying the corpse of a former Ondo State Governor, Dr. Olusegun Agagu, to Akure before the crash, killing 16 of the 20 people on board.
The Senate on October 8 had mandated the committee to summon Oduah to explain all she knew about the crash as the lawmakers had alleged that corruption in the sector was the underlying factor behind the crash.
Although Gamawa was not categorical on the possible date for the appearance of the minister before the committee, he said it might take place this week.
Two groups however took different positions yesterday on the call for the probe into the car deal, with the Muslim Media Watch Group (MMWG) calling for the removal of the minister for being a beneficiary of the controversial bulletproof cars.


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. In Nigeria one infinitesimal issue will just pop up & everybody's attention will be beamed towards it angrily & allowing d main problem to thrive.Dum

  2. shut up bush man. Why for God's sake must use such amount of money to buy two cars? The insecurity in Nigeria is caused by them and it is been said that as you lay your bed must you lye on it. Shame on all the politicians who decided to turn politics into business.

  3. Michael Uche you have no manners,the forum shoul be a place where we air our views not insults and abuses. Coment wisely. What was said makes sense.

  4. justice delay is justice deny, after all said and done nothing has come, our constitution is meant for the poor masses

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