Poser:Which Should Be Scrapped,Senate Or House Of Reps

In 1999,Nigeria embraced the USA Presidential system of government with a bicameral legislature.The Senate and House of Representatives..The Senate is made up 106 Senators (Three from Each of the 36 States and one from the FCT).The House of Representatives comprises of 360 members depending on the number of Federal constituencies. A State like Kano due to its population has the highest number of House of Representative members in the country.Many have viewed the two Chambers as a waste of resources since they practically do the same job.So much money is also budgeted yearly to maintain the National Assembly members with their large number of aides. Infact,it has been established that about 14% of the National budget goes to service members of the National Assembly alone.Several Nigerians like former President Olusegun Obasanjo has lambasted the large sum used to maintain the Legislators.So many of them don't even come for plenary.Some have been categorized as absentee members,while several have not made any meaningful contribution to debates or even sponsored a bill since they were elected.The worst scenario is the fact that most of them have not attracted any single constituency projects to the constituencies.Meanwhile,Nigerians don't even know how much they earn.The question we are asking then,do you support the agitation for a single Parliament..If you were to choose,between the Senate and House of Representatives,which should be scrapped and which should be retained,or do you think the work of the Legislator should be a part time job?..


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. it is completely usless and uncalled for to have the senate and house of reps...in both house there are similar comitees all doing the same thin and most of them don't even knw a shit of what dey are surposed to do....i say pls scrap d house of reps becos they r too much and not doing much but fight and enough corruption scandals

  2. House of Reps should go right away

  3. Yea u'r ryt house ov reps shld go right away

  4. Indeed i advocate for unicameral parliament hoping dat house of reps be scraped

  5. We don't need House of Representa-THIEVES

  6. Senate is good enough

  7. Supported that house of rep should go cos they are of no use.

  8. Senators should go. The are very few but loot more. Then the number of reps should be scale down drastically

  9. Supported that house of rep should go cos they are of no use.

  10. Kingsley Onos23/9/13 9:37 am

    Now d yes av it5 house of reps shd go!

  11. I support the last commenter who says senate should go while the number of personnel in the house of reps be trim down to reduce cost. If non of this is to happen, their allowances, and aids should be seriously cut down. It is quite unfortunate that we are having selfish law makers who never care about the welfare of their citizens but only interested in their own pocket.

  12. House of rep shuld b totaly removd and d sanors salary nd alowancies shuld also b reduced by 30%

  13. Senate should d little meaningful progress we've witness in d NASS is been done by d Reps like Petroleum saga, bills sponsoring, constitutional ammendment,budget review etc. D Senators are just there to loot d treasury. They should GO

  14. Bicamera legislature is good but House of rep and their aids shd be reduced, senators` take home and allowances aslo shd be reduce by 40%

  15. The House of Reps should go NOW!

  16. The senate shld be scraped out for d she reps 2 stay while there responsibility shld be modify.

  17. Do u think all these comment mean anything to them. Tell me what they are debating upuon throughout the year, is it how to order for gloves to punch themselves. Very soon they wll go on break.As for me let's retain the senate as they are a bit mature and on part time basis.

  18. I tink d house of rep should go while d senat remain,so dat d expenses wil be lesser n also mak a great sceming among d senat 2 ensure dat dose dat are dere are qualify 2 fit in job n also look into d salary aspest of d senat 2 mak sure dat dey earn according 2 what dey work in d house 2 avoid excess spending in d coutry

  19. How many laws have they passed in relation to the amount they are collecting

  20. Senet shoud go cod the support corruption

  21. House of rep should be scraped

  22. House of children aka house of fighters aka house of thieves which is equal to house of reps. ....out with them! without blinking an eye.

  23. Both of dem re law maker. If I may ask wht is d diff?

  24. Wellington23/9/13 3:57 pm

    I support bicameral legislature bcus it has 2 ceck d dictatorial tendencies of d president. But what I don't support is d fact that the house of rep nd senate are not true representative of the people, instead they re a means of living in Nigeria. Both of them shldnt be cut down but we must drastically reduce so that more of their money earned will be put in constituency projects.

  25. Senate should therefore be scrapped by virtue of its lesser necessity

  26. Scrapp h0use 0f Reps

  27. Presidential system is expensive..let's go back to the British Parliamentary system..Just one House of Parliament

  28. Let's scrap the Senate,they hardly fight..let's enlarge the ring for the House of Fighters called Reps..All thoe in support say iiiiiiiiiii

  29. The House of Reps members are mostly thugs..let's scrap it..OGK

  30. What are they really doing in d house of reps? if fed govt wants 2 retain the house, their allowances or "take home" shld b equal 2 dat of d average policeman.

  31. Nigeria ws havin money more than enough and dat made it to embrace the USA system of presidential govt by creating bicameral legislature. The members hv been questionable since its existence. They hv nothing to deliver. It shld be scrapped wi/out looking back.

  32. Pls are u just kidding. Or any rastick measure to be done. We need unicameral legistrature. Reps shld go. Can we start campaigning for this. Atleast our constituency money d used to steal can be used to pay lecturers Α̲̅πϑ civil servants.

  33. House of reps.should be scraped off wf immediate effect,I rest my case

  34. Pls the fed govt should as a matter of urgency scrap this thing "house of rep" they have no job at all but to fight each other when the money is not shared equally.

  35. House of reps is occupied by touts and rascals, besides huge resources of the nation that can be used to achieve meaningful development is spent on them without nothing to show for it.
    Reps should be scraped and the allowances of senate reduced by 60%

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