This is the sad side of what some Africans (including Nigerians) go through to enter Europe..Most of them risk their lives in stole away boats like this to cross from North Africa to such European countries like Spain,Portugal and Italy at the risk of drowning. So many of them get drowned in the process..For how long will this madness continue?
Its a pity that young able Africans leave the fertle Africa to uncertain world.
ReplyDeleteAs long as it takes for standard of life to improve anything is worth the risk than staying here with no hope of survival for the common man. Why stay here and die when you can take the chance even on the high sea?
ReplyDeleteThe pic is not true. Stories like this don't add any value so ckn should fucos on substance and quality not quantity
ReplyDeleteGod help nigeria
ReplyDeleteWith the bad situation in nigeria is it not worth it than to be kill in υ̲̣̥я̣̣̥ own motherland
ReplyDeleteGet rich or die while attempting!
ReplyDeleteDoes their fertile land give dem hope? I think datz wat we shld be asking ....