Man Beaten Black And Blue for Being Gay In Ogun State

The accused being rescued by an okada man

There was chaos at Kotodayo community in Ota, Ogun State after a young man, simply identified as Sadiq was alleged to be gay and beaten up. The incident happened at 1 Kotodayo in the Iyana-Iyesi area of Ota after Sadiq’s friend, Ibrahim (surname withheld), allegedly raised the alarm declaring that his male organ had disappeared.
According to Ibrahim, who was seen naked before some men, Sadiq had paid him a visit last night and deep into the night, he began to have sex with him.
When P.M.NEWS visited the scene, Ibrahim’s penis was of normal size, but he was making efforts to make it turgid as a proof that it was fully restored.
Ibrahim, who is also a squatter in the house, alleged that it was the first time Sadiq would be visiting him. Though they have been friends for some time now, Ibrahim said he never knew his friend was gay until last 
Sadiq, in a confessional statement to local vigilantes at the scene of the incident, said he has been homosexual for the past three years.
The crowd

He denied snatching his friend’s male organ, but said he had engaged only men in sex since then and further indicted a prophet whose white garment church is within the community as the one who prepared the concoction with which he engages in the act.
However, the prophet, who was invited by the vigilantes, denied the allegation.
He said he had known Sadiq as one who never chased after women and did not know that the man was gay.
Neighbours said that the owner of the one-room apartment where the incident occurred lives and works in Lagos and only visits the place at weekends.
Sadiq was later whisked away by the vigilantes after much plea to stop beating him was rebuffed by the people of the area.
Nigeria is not in support of gay practice no wonder a bill has been approved setting 14-year-jail term for offenders.


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. They will be continue exposes one by 1 by his grace.

  2. Gay people need to be more careful, the general environment is becoming dangerous for them. They just have to endure till people start accepting them. Keep hope alive

  3. hitherto I am still wondering the enjoyment behind this practice! Why do humans hackened unto the voice of satan? #kamzy dillish

  4. Pls make una live us alone let us live

  5. Nobody will leave u gay people alone cos God dosnt even like ur practice. What do u want. That hole is nt for that tin, u end up working like someone that want to use the toilet while u dnt want to toilet. U guys are really suffering. The r plenty evil spirit tormenting u. Una own pass legend sef.

  6. Make who live una alone idiot? I sure say u 2 self go be de next one like this man.

  7. it's shameful to condone this violence

  8. tangowhisky4/12/13 5:02 am

    It's a real shame that Nigerians are so homophobic, and myopic when it comes to the gay issue. But that's not a big deal, a country where religious bigotry is law, and where poverty and chaos rule the day, you cannot expect anything else.
    But this story is not really about consensual gay sex, is it? It is not about two men who consented to have sexwith each other. It is a case of RAPE. one man relieving himself on another man without his consent. That is the crime that was committed here.
    Having carnal knowledge of a person without their consent, is a very grevious act, one that should be punished according to the laws of society, but also within the boundaries of humanity and society. Not jungle justice that was metted out at the "scene" of the crime by overanxious and wrought neighbours.
    Nigeria has a long way to go, when it comes to matters that border on civility. But I often think that we are going nowhere, because it appears that our religious bigotry always gets in the way of common sense.

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