Edwin Clarke Hails Al Mustapha's Release

Chief Edwin Clark hailed the discharge and acquittal of al-Mustapha just as he called for the review of the country’s criminal justice administration law and other enabling rules.
This, he said, is to ensure that there is no delay in the dispensation of justice.
The elder statesman said the freedom granted Major al-Mustapha, is justified after about 15 years of standing trial.
Chief Clark made his position known in a statement in Abuja.
He said: “I recall that sometime in November 2011,I appealed to the Federal Government and the Lagos State Government to pardon Al-Mustapha on the ground that the trial is becoming punitive and has taken over 12 years at the time.
“Now that he has been freed by the Court of Appeal, he should settle down, get integrated with other Nigerians and there should be spirit of forgiveness from both sides and no one should indulge in unnecessary politicking on the validity or otherwise of the judgement”.


Chris Kehinde Nwandu is the Editor In Chief of CKNNEWS || He is a Law graduate and an Alumnus of Lagos State University, Lead City University Ibadan and Nigerian Institute Of Journalism || With over 2 decades practice in Journalism, PR and Advertising, he is a member of several Professional bodies within and outside Nigeria || Member: Institute Of Chartered Arbitrators ( UK ) || Member : Institute of Chartered Mediators And Conciliation || Member : Nigerian Institute Of Public Relations || Member : Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria || Fellow : Institute of Personality Development And Customer Relationship Management || Member and Chairman Board Of Trustees: Guild Of Professional Bloggers of Nigeria


  1. We believe in God so HE set mustapha free as we put our trus in Him

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