Ghana remains a signpost of good governance and
democratic values Africa is in dire need of. For Ghana, this transition from
democracy to democracy marks a sparkling moment in the history of the country.
I congratulate the elected President of Ghana, John Mahama and the good people of Ghana on this occasion. It is a moment in history many nations still long for and Ghana offers that great hope that even in Africa democracy thrives.
To the people of Ghana once again I give kudos for embracing with discipline the new innovation of the biometric voting system. As with most innovations, there were lapses and delays during this initial use. But the people persevered and did not for once quit on the system. The people of Ghana performed their civic duty with propriety and quiet heroism. There is a lesson for all of Africa in this.
Today, Ghana stands tall as a model of democratic practice for Africa and much of the world. You have shown that the soil of Africa is as fertile ground for democracy as any other soil. The Black Star today shines brighter than ever before and with each successful election Africa will advance.
Nigeria has a thing or two learn from Ghana with regards to organizing free and fair elections. Nigeria’s electoral system is overdue for a biometric voting system. Our electoral system needs an overhaul. Ghana has shown the way. Nigeria and other African nations must follow the lead